
About Me

Hi! My name is Kylie and I'm so glad you've stopped by!

I am an 18-year old university student from Ontario, Canada. I'm studying full time and I'm hoping to do a double-major in History and Archaeology.

I was diagnosed with type one (also known as juvenile) diabetes in April 2002, when I was 7 years old. (If you're doing the math... that's almost 11 years with T1D!). I'm currently using a Medtronic 722 insulin pump (purple!), CGM, and a One-Touch Verio IQ meter to manage my diabetes (amongst other things, of course).

Managing diabetes and living on your own while being a full-time student is sometimes hard, but I've also found that moving away from home and juggling a more hectic schedule have forced me to be creative and proactive in my diabetes management.

I've loved reading online diabetes blogs for years now and I'm excited to try blogging myself and to connect with some of the fantastic people who write great things about diabetes, both parents of kids with diabetes and adults with diabetes.

My little brother also has type one diabetes. He's 11 years old and was diagnosed when he was 5. My sister is 14 and has no autoimmune disorders... we like to say that she got the good gene pool!

Thanks for reading- please feel free to leave me a comment or subscribe to my blog- I'd love to talk to you!


  1. I love your blog so much, everything that you write about is very relatable! Would you mind checking mine out? Thanks so much!

    1. Thanks Lindsay- your blog looks great! I can't wait to read more. Which pump are you on? Mine is a (purple) Medtronic 722, but I'm thinking about switching to the Omnipod when I'm due for an upgrade next.

    2. Thanks! I'm on the Medtronic Minimed, and it's grey. I tried the Omnipod out, and personally I found it too bulky!
